Conditions of cooperation
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Who (Operator):
Firm I&Q GROUP, spol. s r.o., company ID No.: 27488268, with registered office in Troilova 12, Praha, ZIP 108 00, Czech Republic
offers a possibility of regular monthly earnings which could exceed your current salary
Who for (Dealer):
anybody who has a chance or an idea.
What for:
advertising the project placed at the URL or the system associating people who advertise this project placed at the URL (dealer system)
In what way:
e.g. by placing a URL with unique Dealer’s ID, which is given to the Dealer after registration, to Dealer’s web site or via advertising systems; there are no bounds set for initiative (detailed advice and instructions are available after registration under the link "Maximize your profit").
Under these conditions:
- anybody can advertise
- only the person who advertises is responsible for it
- commissions, which are stated in the user’s interface after registration (on the first page, under the link Overall summary), ascribe to the Dealer and to the person via whom the Dealer joined the dealer system for every paying individual coming via the given advertising
- The Operator is obliged to pay these commissions, in case of a payment on the basis of the contract, within one week after the Dealer’s clicking on the button Request a payout and, in case of a payment on the basis of an invoice, within one week after receiving the invoice by the Operator with original signature (by mail), including all requirements of a tax document
- payment of commissions can be carried out on the basis of the space contract (sample) and, if the Dealer is interested, also on the basis of an invoice whose form is specified by the system (sample) (there is only one space contract made for the whole period, invoices must be issued for separately every payment)
- the minimum sum for payment is stated in the user’s interface after registration (it amounts to 20 GBP)
- only the Dealer, to whom the money was paid, is responsible for taxation of his / her incomes
- the money can be paid in the following ways:
- Via the Internet wallet (Moneybookers)
- for this method of payment, a certain sum (amounting to 2 GBP) is charged to the Dealer
- if you want to use this method of payment and do not have your account at Moneybookers, you can register via the following link: (the link is displayed without ID)
- the estimated term when the Dealer receives the money is the day of sending the money (the Operator is not responsible for the estimated term in any case)
- Payment from your bank account:
- for this method of payment the sum of 4 GBP is charged to the Dealer.
- the estimated term when the Dealer receives the money is the day of sending the money (the Operator is not responsible for the estimated term in any case)
- a person who does not own any Internet sites can also become a Dealer if he / she finds a different way of advertising; he / she is also responsible for such a way of advertising
- the Operator can send information to Dealer’s email address anytime
Protection of personal data:
In case of participating in advertising, personal data can be exchanged (name, address, telephone, email, company ID number, etc.). This personal data is considered confidential and is available only to subjects between which they are exchanged. Both parties are obliged not to provide personal data to any third parties in any form (i.e. printed, electronic, etc.), except different statistic summaries which cannot be connected to a concrete person. The Operator also reserves the right to carry out analyses on behaviour of other subjects engaged in advertising and will eventually pass them on to third persons, but always in the form of statistical data, which cannot be connected to a concrete person.
Business contact: 
Technical contact: 
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